/watcher/threshold/{watcher_id}Updates a threshold alert.
Parameters are the same as for POST /watcher/threshold
The id of the watcher to be updated is provided in the URL, e.g.
Boolean: Whether the watcher should be configured to alert. Defaults to false if not specified. Example: true.
A name for the watcher. Example: My Brand New Watcher.
Comma-separated list of chips to create the watcher with. Example: cpu,idle.
A slack channel to alert to. Example: anomify-alerts.
Expiration time for alerts, specified in seconds Must be a minimum of 900 seconds (15 minutes).
Comma-separated list of user ids to receive real-time alerts by email. Example: 101,102.
Comma-separated list of user ids to receive real-time alerts by SMS. Example: 101,102.
A Microsoft Teams webhook to alert to. Example: https://xxx.webhook.office.com/abcdef.
"true" or "false", whether to fire a test alert when the watcher is created. Example: true.
Not yet implemented
Not yet implemented
The level at which to issue a critical alert (optional)
Upper threshold enabled? ("true" or "false")
The number of samples in a row which must exceed the threshold (default 1 if not specified)
Not Yet Implemented
The level at which to issue a Ucritical* alert (optional)
Upper threshold enabled? ("true" or "false")
The number of samples in a row which must exceed the threshold (default 1 if not specified)
Not Yet Implemented
Sudden Drop Detection enabled? ("true" or "false")
Request samples
Response created timestamp
Response created date/time string
Duration of response, seconds
Response code, following HTTP status spec
Age in seconds of oldest cached component
Session id
Org onboarding status id
API host
"status": {
"created_timestamp": 1701169087,
"created_string": "Tue 28 Nov 2023 @ 10:58 (GMT)",
"duration": 0.053,
"language": "en-gb",
"timezone": {
"timezone_type": 3,
"timezone": "Europe/London"
"code": 200,
"oldest_cached_component_age": 383,
"session_id": "5624e394cf1d3eaf5a136c9f1dc009e7",
"org_onboarding_status_id": 300,
"org_upgraded": 100000,
"api_host": "anomalarm.dev.dropbox.dev.local",
"user_onboarding_flags": {
"main_intro": false,
"alerts_intro": false,
"alerts_from_search": false,
"training_intro": true,
"alert_created": true,
"test_alert_sent": false,
"two_alerts_sent": false,
"pattern_trained": false,
"seen_card_anomalies": false,
"seen_card_matches": false,
"seen_card_training": false,
"seen_card_all": false
"data": {
"watcher": {
"id": 293,
"type": "threshold",
"name": "Great Lakes bush viper",
"is_alert": true,
"is_deleted": false,
"expiration_time_seconds": 3600,
"owner": {
"id": 101,
"org_id": 101,
"name": "undefined",
"email": "si@anomify.ai",
"phone_number": "",
"slack_member_id": "",
"demo": false,
"org_admin": true,
"system_admin": true,
"org": {
"id": 101,
"name": "undefined",
"timezone": "Europe/London",
"alert_muting": {
"muted": false,
"muted_until_timestamp": null,
"muted_until_timestamp_string": null,
"minutes_remaining": null
"onboarding_status_id": 300,
"connected_services": {
"slack": false,
"ms_teams": false
"notifications": {
"email_alerts": false
"onboarding_flags": {
"main_intro": false,
"alerts_intro": false,
"alerts_from_search": false,
"training_intro": true,
"alert_created": true,
"test_alert_sent": false,
"two_alerts_sent": false,
"pattern_trained": false,
"seen_card_anomalies": false,
"seen_card_matches": false,
"seen_card_training": false,
"seen_card_all": false
"threshold": {
"lower_level_warning": "3.000000",
"lower_level_critical": "3.000000",
"lower_num_samples": "10",
"upper_level_warning": "18.000000",
"upper_level_critical": "18.000000",
"upper_num_samples": "10",
"minimum_average_value": "2.000000",
"minimum_average_seconds": "3",
"flags": {
"lower_enabled": true,
"upper_enabled": false,
"doac_enabled": true